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 Demoto VW (Manisa)


Demoto is a Doğuş Otomotiv group authorized dealer and workshop; and the task for the establishment of service workshop for the Demoto branch in Manisa has been awarded to YARDIMCILAR OTOMOTİV. Demoto Manisa service workshop, established in the shortest time possible, has been put into service. We would like to congratulate Ahmet Sus, Regional Sales Manager, and all our friends employed in the regional technical workshop for their efforts in the establishment of Demoto Manisa service workshop.

We would like thank Manisa Demoto Board of Management for giving this task to us. We hope that this workshop will bring good fortune and prosperity for them. We shall consider it as our duty to provide continuous technical support and service to this establishment that will serve Volkswagen customers for a long time.
We hope that this workshop would bring benefit to all Volkswagen customers, and we would like to declare that we are ready for the establishment of another Volkswagen service  workshop.

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